Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan - English - Tagalog) - A

Abat   v. get out (shard, sickness), remove something causing pain, remove from inside a cavity; tanggal.

Abitabit  adv. indirectly, grazing, almost; padaplis. abitabit ey raru ni Asek eset rupa; Asek was almost hit on the face (the blow grazed Ambo's face). padaplis ang tama ni ambu sa mukha.

Abu  n. ashes; alabok, alikabok, abo. Syn:purek, uras, kulebuwen. memeliyung abu teyu bah matey teyu ne;(we shall turn to dust when we die). tayo'y mauuwi rin sa alabok kung tayo'y mamatay.

adat   n. 1 • rule, habit, custom, character; ugali, gawi.

2 • law, customary law; batas.

Keedatan Syn: gantung, sara. it adat ni Tessie petenghew bah mediklem ne; Tessie's habit is to look out of the window every morning. Ang gawi ni Tessie ay mamintana pagkaumaga. Anth: Customary law is the foremost social regulating device in traditional Palawan culture. It is implemented through lengthy public hearings, or bitsara, during which aggrieved parties, plaintiffs and defendants, are questionned by a senior specialist in customary law (ukum, memimitsara). The latter's role is to help reach an agreement and impose a fine (betang, multa Sp.) in case guilt is established. He is mainly seen as an arbiter and pacifier. Palawan justice is basically conciliatory and non punitive in nature. In the highland area guilty parties are "lectured" (inusyat) first and fines are imposed later if the deed is repeated. Most concepts (ukum, sara from Arabic, bitsara from Malay) belong to the Malay-Islamic tradition and are probably borrowed concepts.

Adung v. sit, be seated; upo, magupo, luklok.

madung, pinedungan, edungan.adung supaya mebirih teyut menunga ey pelabas; in be seated so we can see the program well. upo nang makita natin ng mabuti ang palabas. adung kaw eset edungan; sit down on the bench. luklok kayo sa bangko.

Aga n. 1 • species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

2 • barkcloth, cloth made with the bark of the aga tree; damit, balat ng aga.

Agaaga n. species of tree or shrub; uri ng kahoy.

Agam conj. then, as a result, so that; para, sa makatuwid. Syn: sukur, supaya.

Agap Variant: egap. v. go to, get to a destination; punta.Syn: surung.

Agaw Variant: agew. v. steal, rob, take away from, abduct; agaw, agawan.

agaw-agawn. species of mangrove plant, plant that grows on trees; agaw-agaw.

Agen adv. almost; muntik,halos. Syn: sangkedit.

Aguhu n. Casuarina tree; agoho.

Agung n. large gong with boss; malaking gong.

Agutey Variant: egutey. n. species of banana, (wild), abacca; abaka.

Ahak v. copulate, have intercourse (chicken); itot, iyot (manok).

Ahup v. contribute, share an expense; tulong tulong.

Akkal n. lie, untruth; sinungaling. Syn: ambut, pegkukurbang.

Akas adj. deteriorated, old; luma. Syn: gekas.

Aklat n. book; aklat. Syn: ribru. Daken na aklat ey bibit mu. the book you brought belongs to me. sa akin ang aklat na dala mo.

Aku pro 1SN. I, first person, sing; ako.

akut n. great or heavy load, large quantity being carried; hakot.

peggegekutanpireng akut nega ey parey mu? how many loads of padi do you still need? ilang hakot pa ang palay mo?

akut v. carry a lot of things, transport in large quantity; hakot.

Alag n. 1 • branch that grows perpendicular to the trunk; tiko ng kahoy.

2 • tree growing sideways; baluktot ng kahoy.

Alak n. alcohol, wine; alak. Anth: Alcohol consumption was traditionally restricted to rice wine (tinapey), consumed collectively in ritual and festive occasions. Alcoholic beverages such as bier, Chinese wine (syuktung), gin, and rhum are now sold in lowland markets and sarisari stores. Alcoholism however does not seem to be a major social concern in spite of isolated cases, mostly restricted to lowland groups.

Alam aj. astray; ligaw.

kelam, nealam.alam ey taw na atin. that man is out of the right way. ang taong iyan ay isang ligaw.

Alam v. disappear, vanish, cease to exist; mawala.

alang-alang adv. nevermind; hindi bali, alang-alang.

Alawen Variant: elawen. v. catch, seize, capture; hulihin.

alebVariant:eleb. n. dear, honey, lover, sweetheart (term of endearment); mahal, sinta, giliw, irog, nobyo, nobya. Syn: ireg.

alekVariant:elek. n. sound sleep, slumber; himbing, tulog.
nepegelek, megaqlek, negpegelek, nekaqlek Syn: igah.

Alep n. pair of bamboo containers for tobacco and lighter (santikan); sisidlan para sa sigarilyo.

Aligwaten v. search thoroughly in a disorderly way, turning things over while searching, rummage, ransack; halungkat. Syn: meneliguat.

Aliputung n. burning log, firebrand; gatong.

Alum n. excuse, apology; pahingi ng tawad.

Alumangi n. plant with edible leaves; uri ng gulay.

Amad intj. my! my God!; naku, diyos ko. Syn: sindam.

Amam Variant: emam (MT). n. mumbling, meaningless words, blabber, gibberish (speech of someone senile); bumulung-bulong ng tulog.

Amah n. father (kin term); tatay.

pinengamahsi ama duninuut Punta; father went to Puerto Princesa. si tatay ay nagpunta sa Puerto.

amat-amat aj, adv. slow, slowly; hinay. amat-amat lang ey panew, Surya. Surya, walk slowly, hinay-hinay lang sa paglakad, Surya.

Ambag n. bag, pouch, purse, handbag, wallet; kalupi. Syn: kambungkambung, ambag na pegsembanen. naalam ey ambag et libun na budyang. the young lady's handbag got lost. nawala ang kalupi ng isang dalaga.

ambe entekVariant:embe. adv inter. where about?; saan, saan tapat?

Ambe Variant: embe. advinter. where, where about, which; saan, saan tapat, alin. embe ey ibun mu. which is your child? alin ang anak mo?

Ambilidan n. tiger shark; tayger (uri ng pating).

Ambug n. pride; yabang. diki metagu ey ambug ye; he does not hide his pride. ang yabang niya ay hindi ikakaila.Syn: dakag.

ambuk, alinseg n. seed; buto.

Ambun n. 1 • dew; hamog.

2 • drizzle, shower; ambon.

3 • breeze, soft wind; hangin, simoy. Syn: ramey, remayen. epegkepipi ba gasi ey ambun bah merayuh ey surungan mu. you can be soaked by a drizzle if you go a long distance. nakakabasa rin ang ambon kung malayo ang iyong pupuntahan. maabu bah gebi subalih waya saduk; there is dew during night time so you need to wear a hat. mahamog kung gabi kaya kailangang mag-sombrero.

Ambuh n. right, demand for one's right, claim; angkin.

Ambuh v. adopt (child); ampunin.

Peambuh Anth: adoption of a child is/was currently practiced, especially if the child is sick, but adoption occurs for other reasons as well.

Ambut n. 1 • arse, behind; puwet.

2 • lie, false statement; sinungaling. Syn: bukalas, akkal, pegkukurbang.

Amek n. mat; banig. Syn: tilam, damek, demdam, emkih.

amey   n. cooked rice; kanin. Syn: linaga, linamuh.

Ampalad n. species of fish; pakul. Syn: kelempidah.

Amping n. toasted new rice; pinipig. Syn: syanglag, sanglag.

Ampun n. compassion, sympathy, pity; awa, kaawaan. Syn: ingasih, tapus.

Ampus n. asthma; hika.

ampusentege ampus si Ana tiban; Ana has an asthma attack now. may hika si Ana ngayon.

Ampusen aj. asthmatic, suffering from asthma; hikain. sembatung empusen na taaw si Susan; Susan is asthmatic. si Susan ay hikain.

Amrang n. species of tree, fruit used for glue; uri ng kahoy pandikit.

Amu n. master; panginoon. it epegkeredyanan ni Jose ey mirikan; jose's master is an American. ang panginoon ni Jose ay amerikano.

Amumuha n. cobra; kubra.

Amuh Variant: amu. n. monkey; unggoy. Syn: uyew. mekansang na amuh dut bukid et kebegtikan; monkeys are many in the high Agathis forests. maraming unggoy sa bundok may mga kahoy almasiga.

Amuri Variant: emuri. v. repeat, repetitious, do again, once more, that which comes after, next one; huli.

Amurung n. mushroom; uri ng kabuti. Syn: kuhung. megtuhuh ey emurung it bulan et egustu; the amurung mushrooms grow in August;tumutubo ang kabuti sa buwan ng agosto.

-an   aff (postfix, noun). place, quality of something. tampuran, seblekan cockpit, solid food. sabungan, pagkain.

-an   aff (postfix, verb). mutual action, reciprocity. timbakan, peteyan shoot at each other, kill each other.

Anad v. learn, learning, study; aral, mag-aral.

Anag n. blandness, tastelessness; tabang,

Anaktirih n. adopted son/daughter, step-son/daughter; ampon. Syn: ambuh.

Andel n. belief in, faith, trust; magtiwala, maniwala.   Syn: arap.

Andupin n. species of fish; uri ng isda, isdang bato.

Angat n. lamentation, moaning; daing. nekingeg ni Pual ey angat ni Rusida sabab et urap; Pual heard the lamentation of Rusida because of hunger, Pual heard Rusida moan because she was so hungry;narinig ni Pual ang daing ni Rusida dahil sa gutom.

angatenVariant: anguten. v. ask for, beg for; hingin, humingi. Syn: teuen, tew.

Anggey n. sexual intercourse (human), copulation; itot, iyot (tao). Syn: kyuh, kuyad.

angkan ne   conj. and then, as a result; kayâ nga.

Angkah n. control, measure; pigil. kaya ne angkah without control. walang hintô, di mapigil.Syn: agak.

Angkat v. raise, lift, raised slightly,; angat.

Anih Variant: atuh (MT). v. come (imperative); hali ka. ani ke, waya isugid ku dimu; come here, I have something to tell you. hali ka, may sasabihin ko sa iyo.

Anih adv. here; dini. anih kew et damen; come (plur) here, join us. halikayo dini sa amin.

Ansur v. burn, burning, burn to ashes; tupok.

Antak Variant: entak (MT). n. bean, string beans; sitaw. Vigna sesquipedalis L., Vigna ungiculata L.

Antak v. drop, throw down, brake; ibagsak.

Antataba n. mangrove tree; bagin.

anting-anting n. earring; hikaw, arilyos. Syn: subang.

Antir n. sexual intercourse (animals), copulation; itot, iyot (hayop).

Antutuli Variant: tutuli n. earwax; tutuli.

Apaan v. lie in wait for (as in hunting); harangan.

Apas n. still-birth, abortion; nakunan.

Apet v. reach, arrive at, come to; abot, abutin, sumapit, sapitin.

Apilidu n. family name, surname; apeliyedo. Anth: The family name or surname is a recent introduction in the vernacular naming system. Traditional naming patterns among the Palawan are uninominal (one name type at a time) and the binomial system (first name followed by family name) has been imposed by the state for census and registration purposes. Most Palawan people today are known to each other by only one name, the main given name, (ngaran) or by a nickname (panged), or by a reciprocal name (lalew). apilidu ni Taya si Ransawi; Taya's family name is Ransawi. si Ransawi ay apeliyedo ni Taya.

Apug n. lime; apog.

Apun n.hapon.

Apus Variant: epus ‘epus’. adv. always, forever, constantly; lagi, palagi.   Syn:dadan.

Apuy n. fire; apoy.

Adungan n. seat, chair; selya, upuan.

Aayakan Variant: eqeyekan. n. sieve; salaan. Syn:sesretan.

Arab v. half-cooked, partly raw; kinilaw, tambuken.

Aradu n. plow, plough; arado.

Aradu n. species of banana; pula na saging, saging na murado.

aragn. part of the blade which is hafted or inserted into the handle; tugod.

arapVariant:adap. n. face, face up, front of; harap, harapin.

Arap v. believe in, have faith in; magtiwala.Syn: andel.

Arek v. kiss; halik.

Areng n. charcoal; uling. Syn: uriseng.

Arew adv. first move, firstly, to begin with, before; magumpisa, muna , bago ang lahat. ikew arew ey kuminam; you taste it first. ikaw muna ang tumikim.

Arigi post; haligi, poste. Syn: usuk.

Arindanum Variant: erindanum. n. fly (big), blue fly;langaw na malaki, bangaw.

Arip n. spleen; pali.

Aripa n. tree; uri ng kahoy.

Arih n. younger sibling (kin term);nakababatang kapatid.

Arisarem adv. late afternoon, dusk; agaw dilim. Syn: megarib, megarisarem.

Artah n. goods, property, belongings, riches; gamit, kayamanan, kagamitan, ari-arian. Syn: regmen, kekana, repanan. ipinegdagang ni Sumat ey menge artah ye; Sumat sold his property. ipinagbili ni Sumat ang kanyang ari-arian.

Arun n. bark, barking (dog); tahol. Syn: haweng. it arun et ideng megkekingeg nega dut sengdipag et danum the barking of the dog can be heard on the other side of the river. ang tahol ng aso ay naririnig sa kabilang ilog.

Asag Variant: eseg. n. fish-trap; bubo.

Asa  peh, asal peqsing lagi adv. evidently, of course, obviously; syempre talaga.

Asang n. gills of fish; hasang. kinaan et using ey asang et sedah; the cat ate the gills of the fish. kinain ng pusa ang hasang ng isda.

Asawa Variant: esawa. n. spouse, wife/husband (kin term); asawa.

Asin n. salt; asin.

Asip n. entertainment, attention paid to someone, concern for; estima, asikaso.

peng-asipmenungang peng-asip ey binuwat ni Durmin eset pengibanan ye; Durmin entertained his in-laws well. mabuting pag estima ang ginawa ni Durmin sa kanyang biyenan.

Asip v. pay attention, heed, mind; alumana. diki ye inasip si Pitu sapne minugad; Pitu was not being paid attention to, so he left, (he did not pay any attention to Pitu, so Pitu left). hindi niya alumana si Pitu kaya umalis.

Ataata n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Atah n. chaff, husk of a cereal; ipa.

Atey n. liver, heart; atay, puso. Anth: seat of feelings: having a cold liver means good, friendly feelings, having a hot liver means anger, hostility; atey is best glossed as "heart " when it refers to the seat of emotions

ulu et atey   Variant: ulut atey. n. litt. "head of the liver", heart, stomach; puso, sikmura.

dut seled atey   aj. sincere, heartfelt; taimtim. dutseled atey ye lang ey pegsusun ye; in she made a sincererepentance. taimtim sa kanyang kalooban ang pagsisisi.

Atian n. low tide; ibas.

Atuh Variant: atuge; atwe; atuh. adv deictic. here (near speaker); dito.

minatuh    atue menggan et damen si Rusila; Rosela will dine here with us. dito kakain sa amin si Rosela.

Atur Variant: hator. n. respect, care, courtesy; galang, respeto. Syn: galang.

Aturey n. millet; agusais (Bikol) asahas (Cebuano). Setaria italica, Pennisetum glaucum.

Atut Variant: etut. n. fart; utot.

Awam aj. ignorant; mangmang, walang-nalalaman. Syn: taguh, lilu.

Awat aj. clean, sweeped clean; linis(an).

Awat v. weaning (baby), separating quarrelling persons; awat. Syn: ipetngew et dudu, idar. diklem buwaten it pegawat et yegang ye; her baby will be weaned starting tomorrow. ang awat ng sanggol niya gagawin bukas.

awat n. part of the swidden carrying a second crop of vegetables, garden made in the field of preceding agricultural cycle; halamanan.

Awatan v. sweep, clean with a broom; walisan, linisan. Syn: welisan.

Awid n. act of holding, grabing, catching; prevention; hawak, pigil.

Ayaaya Variant: yahyah n. species of shrub, mimosa; makahiyâ. Mimosa pudica.

Ayam v. toy; laruan.

Ayam n. pet, pet animal, toy, animal or object that is used to entertain or play with; laruan.

Ayan aj. same, similar, like; pareho. Syn: inein, atin.

ayayaken   v. watch over, guard, take care of; bantay, alalayan. Syn: timrang, milik.

Ayeg n. brother-in-law (term of address); bayaw.

Ayup aj.fitting, suitable, agreeable; tama, bagay, hiyang. Syn: tunggal, taup, mayup. ayup eset memulek ey gatas et sapih; cow's milk is good for the child. hiyang sa bata ang gatas ng baka.

Ayuh v. swinging of the hand while striking with a bolo; kampay, unday.

Ayuyu Variant: eyuyu. n. mangrove crab; alimango. Scylla serrata.merasa ey eyuyu bah metaba; the crab is delicious if it is fat. masarap ang alimango kung mataba. Anth: in mythology a primeval crab is holding all the water in the world inside its claws, causing a general draught. A young maiden pierces the shell and the water returns in the sea and the rivers.
Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan - English - Tagalog) - A Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan - English - Tagalog) - A Reviewed by Keyzone on 10:58 PM Rating: 5

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