Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan-English-Tagalog) - D

Da n. palate, roof of the mouth; ngala-ngala. megbebaga ey da ye; her palate is swollen. namamaga ang kanyang ngala-ngala.

Dag Variant: daag. v. lose; talo. 
dinag, dumag, megindag, mangindag, nangindag, dagen, pengindag  

dedag dagen aj.treated unfairly, at a disadvantage; agrabiyado. si Lusyu ey degdagen eset megtitipused; Lusio is at a disadvantage compared to his brothers (is being treated unfairly by his siblings). agrabiyado sa kanilang magkakapatid si Lusio.

Daag aj. subdued; overpowered; gapi. daag ne ey kebanta; the enemy is already overpowered. gapi na ang kalaban.

Dadan Variant: dadandadan. adv. always, permanently, forever, constantly, all the time, time and again; lagi, palagi, parati. Syn: apus, apusapus, dahi. dadan ne lang pegtetendesan ei penakaw si Juan; time and again Juan is accused of stealing. parati na lamang pinagbibintangan sa pagnanakw si Juan. dadan ne lang meruruk ey si Dabid; David always feels unhappy. lagi na lamang malungkot si David.

Dagang v. sell, selling in the market, sales, make a business (by selling things); benta,kalakal.

idagang, pegdagang, pegdagangdagang, degangan, ipegdedagangpegdagangdagang ey ipegbibiyag ye;she lives on business transactions. pangangalakal ang kanyang ikinabubuhay.

Dagang n. business, money transaction; pangangalakal.

Dagat n. sea, ocean; dagat. it dagat melekbang; the ocean is wide. ang dagat ay maluwang.

Dagbes n.likeness, form, appearance, shape; anyô, tikas. meyat laluh ey dagbes et pegiirgan ni Kunas; Kunas' sweetheart is ugly! pangit naman ang tikas ng minamahal ni Juan.

Dagum n. needle, sewing needle; karayom.

Dahi adv.permanent, fixed; lagi, palagi. Syn: dadan.

Dakag n. arrogance, haugtiness; burit, yabang, pagmamataas.

medakag, epegdakagmeyat eset taaw megdakag et bilug ye; it is not nice for a person to blow his own horn. pangit sa tao ang magbuhat ng sariling bangko.

Daken pro 1SO. to me, for me, mine; akin. Syn: dag.

Daki n. dirt, filth; dumi, amos, libag.   Syn: ridih, idih, dengis.

Dalag n. catfish (freshwater); dalag.

Dalan n. way, path, street, trail; daan, lansangan, kalsada. Syn: karsada. waya dalan surung dut damen mawah dut Panas; there is a way to our place from Panas. may daan patungo sa amin buhat sa Panas. kaya ney keradya ye bah diki megpanewpanew dut dalan; he does nothing but roam around on the roads. wala siyang gawa kundi maggala sa lansangan.

Dalih aj.quick, fast; madalî, bilis. Syn:mesapat, metikas.

Dalih adv. maybe; siguro. Syn: kaluh, lengku.

Dalih Variant: dalihdalih. v. quicken, hasten; haplit. dalihdalih ye eset keradya ye; she hastens in her work, she works hastily. haplit ng haplit siya sa kagagawa.

Damak n. sweetmeats (gift from a boy to a girl); regalong matamis.

Damek n. mat banig. Syn: demdam, tilek, amek.

Damen pro 1PEXO. to us (excl), ours; amin.

Damit v. transfer, move to another place; lipat. Syn: ubuh, seup..

Dangen n. otter; dungon.

Dengdangen Anth: animal causing epilepsy ('dengdangen)' or thought to be the owner ('empuq') of the disease. Also linked with the fire drill (see 'pipiriyan')

Dangew Variant: dangaw. n. span, hand, distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle, fingers extended (unit of measurment); dangkal. walung dangew ey seng depa; there are eight spans in one yard. walong dangkal ang isang dipa. Note: check middle finger, or ring-finger?

Danum n. 1 • water (substance); tubig.

2 • stream, river (body of water); ilog. Syn:bawang. tsaa ey peginumen et mge intsik sala danum; the chinese drink tea instead of water. tsa ang iniinom ng mga insik at hindi tubig.

Dapuh n. orchid; dapo. Syn: pilawag. mekansang na dapuh dut bukid na nebirih ku; I have seen many orchids in the mountains. maraming dapo akong nakita sa bundok.

Dapug n. species of mangrove plant; lupa.

Dapug n. ash; abo.

Dapugan Variant: depugan. n. hearth, fireplace; dapog, dapogan, kalan. wayay duwang lelengkadan dut depugan; there are two stands for the pots on the hearth. may dalawang kalan sa dapog.

Daak Variant: dak n. command, order, injunction; utos. Syn: tahag

Dagan n. weight placed on top of something, added weight; patong, bigat, ipitin.

Datum n. put, place upon; lagay.

idinatun, datunenembe mu idinatun ey bakah; where did you put the basket. saan mo nilagay ang bakol.

Daranggigi n. species of fish; abo.

Daranghita n. species of fish; labaita.

Darutdutan n. species of fish; duryan.

Dasek v. cram, compact; siksik.

Datag n. 1 • bamboo floor, house floor, story; sahig, palapag.

2 • flatland s lowlands, marsh; kapatagan, kababaan, banâ. Syn: lingsad, derenasan, geneb. siyam nah datag ey ipinetyeg diyeng tindahan; they built their store nine stories high. may siyam na palapag ang itinayo nilang tindahan. luminuwak si Masinu et niyug dut datag;Masino planted coconut trees in the lowlands. nagtanim si Masino ng niyog sa banâ.

Dating v. arrive, arrived; dating, abot.

diminateng, duminateng, detgan, detgnananngine ey dateng ni Tulibak;mamaya ang abot ni Tulibak. Tulibak arrived a little while ago.

Daun Variant: deun; dawn; dewn. n. leaf (of a tree, a plant); dahon.

Daunan n. stingray (small); pagi na maliit.

Dawa n. justification, excuse; katuwiran.

Dawn tabu n.species of fish (lit. "leaf of sugarcane"); liwit.

Dayang n. princess, dame, noble lady, queen; prinsesa, dayang.

Daya  adv. uphill, upstream, towards the interior; gimba. Anth: see napan

Dayew v.cheers; puri, sigaw. Syn: sambag.

Dayuhan Variant: deyuhan. n. stranger, foreigner; dayuhan, banyaga.

Dayun n. craddle, swing (for babies); duyan.Syn: sayug.

Dayus aj. coward, cowardly; duwag. si Tum ey sembatung taw na dayus; Tom is a cowardly person. si Tom ay isang tao na duwag.

Debdeb n. chest, breast; dibdib. mesakit kunuh ey debdeb ye; he said his chest aches. masakit daw ang kanyang dibdib.

Dedegahgah v. go up in flames; lumilingas. Syn: megdedleg.

Dedelihatan n. utterance, exclamation; pamumutawi.

Degangan n. merchandise, goods for sale; kalakal. mekansang nah degangan ey maman ku; my uncle has plenty of merchandise. maraming kalakal ang aking tiyo.

Degdag v. fall, falling; hulog.

medegdag, nedegdagnedegdag ey pirak meyu dut sirung; your money fell through the floor. nahulog ang pera ni maria sa silong.

Degdagan v. cause to fall, drop off; lagpakan. degdagan mu ya et duwangmanga; shake two mangoes from the tree for him. lagpakan mo siya ng dalawang mangga.

Deges n. honey; pulot-pukyutan.

Degurgur n (onom). sound made by engine, or by large tree tumbling down; lagapak, lagapakan. Syn: tenurtur.

Dehuluh conj. even, despite; kahit, kung, pa kaya.Syn: demikyan.

Deket Variant: dikit. n. fire, blaze; sunog.Syn: tutung

dingketan, pedketen, pedikitkelang deket dut Rizal; there was a big fire in Rizal. nagkaroon ng malaking sunog sa Rizal.

Deklah n. size (big), bigness; laki.

Dekuh Variant: dakuh. n. big winnowing tray; malaking bilao.

Delang n. 1 • hole, aperture, small opening; butas, siwang.

2 • hole (in the ground, inside a tree), burrow; lungga.nebirih ku eset delang et penendawan ey menenakew; I saw the thief through a small opening in the window. nakita ko sa siwang ng bintana ang magnanakaw. mesikpit ey delang et belab; the hole of the rat is very narrow. ang lungga ng daga ay makipot.

Delapas n. Job's tears; kudlasan, tigbi. Coix lacryma jobi.

Deleg n. flame, blaze; ningas, dingas, lingas.

megdedlegkelah ey deleg et apuy; the fire makes a big flame. malaki ang ningas ng apoy.

Delek n. rain; ulan.

Delinen v. approach someone, go towards, bring help; lapitan, tulongan. Syn: egapen.

Delingding Variant: telingting ‘MT’. n. ledge of a cliff; matarik na dalisdis, batong matarik, talampas. Syn :telingting.

Delit n. beeswax (from mugdun bees); pagkit. Syn:taru.

Delusung n. ghost; multo.

Demdam n. mat; banig. Syn: amek, tilam, damek, emkih.

Demdem Variant: rendem. n. feeling, emotion, resentment; damdamin, sama ng loob. Syn: rendem.

Dengdangen n. epilepsy, convulsions, state of catalepsy; suba.

Dengis n. dirt,filth; dumi, madumi. Syn: daki.

Dengkahan n. mangrove tree; uri ng kahoy, bakawan. Heritera sp.

Dengula n. species of mushroom (grows on trees, not edible); uri ng kabute.

Denuman v. put water, fill with water; tubigan. denuman mu ey sawan sepaya mebiri ey lesut; put water on the glass so we can see if it is broken. tubigan mo ang baso at nang makita kung butas.

Depa n. fathom, length measured by the distance between the tips of the fingers of both hands with arms stretched out; dipa.

Depnen v. touch; hipuin. depnen mu ey ulu it memulek; touch the child's head. hipuin mo ang ulo ng bata.

Deram Variant: daram. n. great number of, multitude, many; dami.   Syn: kansang.

Deredyek n. buttress, support; alalay, tukod.

Dereguy n. moaning; halinghing. Syn: gerwak.mekseg ey dereguy et mesakit; the sick person emits a loud moaning. malakas ang halinghing ng may sakit.

Derenasan n. flatlands, lowlands; kapatagan. Syn: lingsad, datag.

Derengagan n. giant; higante. derengagan na nebirih ni Mantarik dut bukid; Mantarik saw a giant in the mountains. may higante na nakita si Mantarik sa bundok.

Deres n. wind, strong breeze; hangin, unos. Syn: begyu. waya negawal na deres buh begyu; there is an impending breeze, a strong one. may nagbabalang malakas na unos. it deres dut bukid mekseg; the wind in the mountain is strong. ang hangin sa bundok ay malakas.

Deripdip Variant: derepdep n. species of mushroom (grows on trees); uri ng kabute.

Deruhan n. shamanic chanting (while in a trance); kanta ng albularyo. Syn:ulit, lumbaga. Anth: Ritual chanting specific of rituals in the Kulbi-Kenipaqan area; elsewhere called ulit or lumbaga (PI)

Deruwa Variant: derwa; derwah; derwahderwah. n. weeping, wailing, sob, moan; panaghoy, humikbi, humalinghing. Syn: siyak, gerwak. mekseg ey deruwah ni Kwesa it minatay ey amah ye; Kwesa's wailing was quite loud when her father died. malakas ang panaghoy ni Kwesa ng mamatay ang kanyang ama.

Deyahan, wealthy; mayaman.

Deyem v. stay at, inhabit, reside, dwell; tirahan.   Syn: legdeng.

Dibwat Variant: dibuat. v. upstairs, above; itaas.

Digkaren v. intimidate, frighten; takutin, sindakin, tabuyin. Syn: metabug, tebugen.

Dignes n. sparrow, Chestnut Mannikin; maya, uri ng ibon. Lonchura Malacca jagori (Martens). Syn: siyet.

Digwang v. look down; tingnan sa baba.

Diki, not; hindi. Syn: kay, salah. diki megkan dye et sedah;they don't eat fish. hindi sila kumakain ng isda.

Diklem adv. tomorrow; bukas.

Diklem Variant: dingdiklem, masubo.n. morning; umaga.

Dikley n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Dilah n. tongue; dila.

Dilis n. anchovy; dilis.

Dimu pro 2SO. to you, for you, yours; iyo. ireg yeng mekingeg ey eset dimu; he wants to hear your side. ibig niyang marinig ang panig mo. it benwa nah itue dimu; this house is yours. ang bahay na ito ay iyo.

Dimeyu pron 2PO. yours, your, to you (plur.); inyo. dimeyu tah mge manuk nah itue;are these chicken yours? inyo ba ang mga manok na ito.

Dinag Variant: dinaag. v. lose , be the loser (in a contest), be defeated; tinalo.

Dinegpak v. prick with a knife, pierce with the point of a knife; duruin, sundutin. Syn: binaun.

Dinetunan v. was fitted with; nilapatan. dinetunan ni Kidluh et sereming ey lemisahan; Kidlo fitted the table with a glass. nilapatan ni Kidlo ng salamin ang mesa.

Dineruduan v. regret the absence of someone, long for, feel constricted by emotion, beravement caused buy the loss of parents; mangulila. Syn: rinuruan. Note: Tag. mengulila means "feeling orphaned"

Dingdingan n. partition, wall; dingding.

Dingketan v. get burned, burned down, be consumed by fire, reduced to ashes; nasunog, nasunugan. dingketan ey linagah dye sabab it bisita dyeng keuugad lang; the rice got burned because of the visitors that just left. nasunog ang kanin dahil sa mga panauhin na kaaalis pa lamang.

Dinugmunan v. wrap, put around; tinabunan, balutin.

Dinupang v. 1 • forced, abused, raped; gahasa. 
2 • fooled; niloko. si Alma; dinupang et meyaat nahtaw; Alma was abused by a bad man. si Alma ay ginahasa ng masamang loob. dinupang ye ey egsa ye; he fooled his cousin. niluko niya ang kanyang pinsan.

Dipada adv. indeed, is it not?; hindî ba, kung hindi, mabuti.Syn: bah diki

Dipag adv. on the other side, across, opposite (bank of a river); sa kabila, tawid, sa kabilang pangpang, ibayo. Syn: sebereng. dut dipag et kersada binitan et ideng et tulang; the dog carried the bone on the other side of the street. sa ibayo ng kalsada dinala ng aso ang buto.

Dipagan Variant: beyan. v. cross (a bridge), go across, get on the other side; tumawid, tulayin. diki ne medipagan ey seguysuy dye; in they cannot cross their bridge anymore. hindi na matulayan ang tulay nila.

Dipanga n. palm tree; uri ng kahoy.

Diplak n.palm tree, used for thatching; uri ng kahoy, gamitin sa atip ng bahay.

dipugun n. home-made gun; paltik. Syn: digumba.

Dintunan n.container; lalaagyan. Syn: sunuan.dintunan et danum ey sawan; the glass is a container for water. lagyan ng tubig ang baso.

Disig v. move away, move back, recede; urong.

Disiplina n. descipline; pasunod. tege meyat na disiplina si Dikley eset mge ibun ye; Diklay has a poor discipline on his sons. may masamang pasunod si Diklay sa mga anak niya.

Ditahditah n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Diwata n. spirit, divinity; espiritu, anghel.

Pegdiwata Syn; kewasa, taaw kewasa. Anth: The identification and naming of individual spirits or divinities vary from one section of the Palawan ethnic group to another, so are their exact attributes, number, location, etc. In the central highland area diwatas dwell at higher levels of the universe, below Empuh (the creator). In Punang-Irarey they form groups or families and live on earth; some are upland dwellers, some come from the sea. The term 'diwata' is seldom used, at least in the central highland area. People prefer to speak of 'taw kewasa', "powerful ones", a category encompassing several types of invisible beings (particularly epic or legendary heroes, 'taw kebudbuludan' or "mountain people"). The concept of diwata strongly contrasts with that of 'tawt gebah', or "forest people" who are invariably evil or at least dangerous.

Diye pron 3PN, 3PG. they, their, theirs; nila. ambe dye; where are they? saan sila? empata diye ey neisi mu; you got their picture. larawan nila ang nakuha mo.

Dua Variant: duwa. n. two (number two); dalawa.

Dudu n. breast, nipple, teat; suso.

Duduk v. go towards, head for; punta. Syn: tudyu.

Duduy n. chick; sisiw.

Dugang n. increase; dagdag. it dugang et kenyeng suildu sengpuluh pirak seng bulan; his salary increases by ten Pesos every month. ang dagdag sa kanyang sahod ay sampung piso isang buwan.

Dugangan v. increase, add to; dagdagan. Syn: nerpunan.

Dugian Variant: dugyan. n. durion; durian. Durio zybethinus.

Dugmun v. 1 • cover, action of putting something on a part of the body to cover it,; takpan.

2 • close the eyes (of a dead person); tabunan.

Dugpak n. war; digma, gera.   Syn: bunuh.

Duguh n. blood; dugo.

Dugyandugyan n. species of mushroom (grows on soil); uri ng kabute.

Duhung Variant: deheng ‘MT’. v. stop, cease; hinto.   Syn: tumngew.

Dulangdulang adv. astradle; pangkuhin. Syn: seplang.Sengsapang.

Dulangdulangen v. carry a person on the shoulders, carry a child on one's shoulders, astraddle; pangkuhin, buhatin ang bata ilagay sa balikat. Syn:seplang. dulangdulangah lang ey memulek kasih ne ipepenawa; carry the child on your shoulders and do not make him walk. pangkuhin mo na lamang ang bata , at huwag mo ng palakarin.

Duldug n. thunder; kulog. Syn: kuyew. nesugat et duldug ey pun et kayu; the top of the tree was struck by thunder. tinamaan ng kulog ang punong kahoy.

Duling aj.cross-eyed; duling.

Dulit n. body dirt, dirt on the skin, grime; dumi, libag, dungis. Syn: daki. mekansang ey dulit et lieg ye; his neck is all dirty. maraming libag siya sa kanyang leeg. wayay dulit si Sabtya eset rupa; Sabtya has dirt on the face. may dungis si Sabtya sa mukha.

Duluan v. liking, love, desire; gusto, ibig.   Syn: inginen.

Dumaradyat v.1 • go straight, follow a straight line; diretsyohin.

2 • follow strictly, obey; tumalima. Syn: tumarus.

Dumeklah v. grow in size, grow bigger, increase; lumago. dumineklah ne ey degangan ni Maria; Maria's store has grown in size (Maria's goods for sale have become more numerous). lumago na ang tindahan ni Maria.

Duminun v. went over there; naparoon. duminun si Luis et bukid kegeine; Luis went over to the mountain a while ago. naparoon si luis sa bundok kanina. 
Dumlek v. rain, fall (rain); uulan.

duminlek, dinlekanduminlek et mekseg kegaapun; in it rained hard yesterday. umulan ng malakas kahapon.

Dumpuk n. bump, collision, impact; untog, bunggô.

dinumpung, tinegdumpukmegbebegah ne ey ulu yeng tinegdumpuk; in his bump on the head has been swelling. ang untog niya sa ulo ay namamaga.

Dumpuk Variant: tumpuk ‘MT’.  v. hit, collide, bump; mabunggô.

Dumun v. go to, move to; punta, pumunta.

Dumungguh v.come down; lumusong.

duminungguhduminungguh ye eset danum et Tigeplaan; he went down to the Tigaplan river. lumusong siya sa ilog ng Tigaplan.

Dunedune v. get closer to someone by sliding sideways; magurungurung.

Dungek v. bow one's head, incline the head, lower one's head; tumungo, itango.   Syn: tungduh. 
Dungukan v.stoop, bow; yukuan.

Dumunguk Syn: pegkurungkurung. tumyeg ke buh dumunguk ket panglima; stand up and stoop to the panglima. tumindig ka at yukuan ang panglima.

Dungkelang n. rootcrop, similar to taro; uri ng gabi.

Dungley aj. withered, faded, wilted (leaves); lanta, malanta. Syn: leyley.

Duntin adv. there (far from speaker), over there; diyan.

Dunyah n. world, universe, earth (entire earth); sansinukob, daigdig, mundo. it dunyah netnga et lugtah buh danum buh dagat;the world was created from earth, seawater or freshwater. ang daigdig ay nahahati sa lupa at tubig o dagat. linibutni Kebektikan et dunyah; (the epic hero) Kabaktikan travelled around the world. naglibot sa sansinukob si Kabaktikan. betuwen ey dunya; the earth is round. ang mundo ay bilog.

Dupang aj.1 • bad (behavior), improper, naughty, impolite, offensive, obscene; bastos, gago.

2 • foolish,;ulol, loko, tarantado.

dinupang, kedupangan, pengidupangenumawey nah atin ey sembatung libun nah dupang; this young unmarried girl is a foolish woman. ang dalaga na ito ay isang babaing loko. dupang ey memulek na atin; that child is naughty. ulol ang batang gago. Anth: Frequently used lexeme to express disapproval of someone's behavior, ranging from mischievous and naughty to extremely offensive.

Duput v. put end to end, to gather the tips together (like placing the logs in the fire so as their ends touch each other ); ipun.

Dulugan n. moorage, anchorage; punduhan.

Dunen v. give favor; magpaunlak. dunen teyu erew tinahag ye  supaya memiri nega; let us give him a favor by attending his wedding. magpaunlak naman tayo sa kanyang anyaya sa kanyang kasal.

Duru n. tree; duro.

Durug v. help, support; tulong. Syn: tabang.

Durug n. side; tabi.

durug batang n. species of fish (freshwater); uri ng isda.

Duruk n. firewood, fuel; gatung.

Durukan v. add firewood in the fire, add fuel to the fire; gatungan.

Duruh n. broth, soup, added water in cooking; sabaw.

dun et Variant: dut. (far from speaker), up to (there, at a distance); doon sa. duminuun dye dut pelingki; they went to the market. pumunta sila doon sa palengke.

Dun Variant: dun. adv. over there (far from both speaker and listener); doon.

Duwa aj.  two; dalawa. duwa ey ibun ni Uyut naq lalaki; Uyut has two sons. dalawa ang anak ni Uyot na lalaki.

Duwaduwa n. shock; gitla. it duwaduwa ni Binis diki ye metaguhtaguh; Binis' shock cannot be hidden. ang gitla ni Binis ay hindi niya maitatago.

Duwanggatus n. two hundred (number); dalawang daan.

Duwangpuluh n. twenty (number); dalawampu.

Duwangribu n. two thousand (number); dalawang libo.

Duwah n. prayer, incantation, spell (recitation of secret formula); panalangin. Syn: tawar, batyah, sambor.

Duwel n. mangrove tree; uri ng kahoy.

Duyung n. manatee; dugong.

Dyaga v. guard, protect; bantay.Syn: tunggu.

Dyagadyaga n. pinweel; elise. Syn: kikili, kanduran.

dya Variant: dyaa n. dough to make fried cakes (piniaram, peniaram); masa, kakanin gawa sa galapong.

Dyaryu n. newpaper; pahayagan. epegbatsa si Nardo et dyaryu; Nardo is reading the newspaper. nababasa si Nardo ng pahayagan.

Dyaul v. fishing with hook and line; kilos pangingisda, kawil.  

Dyawap n. destiny; destino, kapalaran.

Dye Variant: die. pro 3PN, 3PG. they, of them; sila, nila. diklem mugad dye surung dut Punta; they are leaving tomorrow for Puerto Princesa. sila ay aalis bukas papunta sa Puerto.

Dyeganan v. look after, protect; ipagsanggalang, ipagtanggol, mangalaga, pangalagaan.

Dyembatan v. bridge, pier; tulay, daungan

Dyembatan n. dock, jetty; pantalan.
Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan-English-Tagalog) - D Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan-English-Tagalog) - D Reviewed by Keyzone on 9:38 PM Rating: 5

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