Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan - English - Tagalog) - B

Bag n. loincloth, G-string; bahag.

Babang n. butterfly; paruparo. nekebirih dyet babang na meitem; they saw a black butterfly. nakakita sila ng paruparong itim.

Bah conj. If, when; kung

Bakah Variant: bakah. n. basket; basket (bakol, pangnan, takuyan at iba pa). Syn: tabig, tibong. it baka buwat eset nepnap; the basket is made of bamboo. ang pangnan ay gawa sa kawayan.

Bakal n. throw downward or horizontaly; tapon, sibat, hagis.Syn: timbag

bekalen;it bakal ni Runil et bula merayuh; Runil throws the ball far;ang hagis ni Runil ng bola ay malayo.

Bakan n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

bakaw   Variant: bakew. n. Rhizophora, mangrove tree; bakaw. Note: different varieties or species of bakew are recognized, such as bakaw rapak meitem, bakaw besih makapal, bakaw tungkih, bakaw danum

bakid n. 1 • container for paddy; malaking sisidlan o lalagyan para sa palay.

2 • unit of weight (around 40 kg); isang sako.

Bakud n.fence; bakod. Syn: pagar.

bakurkur   Variant: bikurkur ‘MT’. n.species of bird, turteldove (Columbidae); tukmol. Streptopelia chinensis tigrina.Syn: takurkor

bakwas aj. disembowled; ulwa ang bituka. Syn: wakwak.

Badih v. moan, cry in pain; halinghing. Syn: gerwak, dayew, lalam.

Balan n. piece of iron or steel used to produce fire when striken against a stone; bakal.

Balanak n. species of fish (mangrove); banak.

Baling n. scar, deep scar; piklat.

Balangah n. cooking pan; kaserola.

Balangasan n. species of fish; rumpi.

Balat n. sandworm (on the reef); bulating-dagat, balatan.

Balawis n. species of fish; samaral na maliit, danggit.

Balda n. absence, want, defect, cripple; balda. Syn: piley, lisuh.

Balen v. make, do; maggawa, gawain.

Balik aj. inside out, inverted, upside down, reverse order; baliktad. Syn: suwih. badyu ni Gayus balik; Gayus' shirt is inside out. baliktad ang baro ni Gayus.

Balikag aj. upside down, inverted; baliktad. Syn: baliktad

Balingkeg Variant: belingkeg. aj. meandering, zigzag, winding, curved, bent, crooked; baluktot. Syn. Bulingked Syn: belyew.

Balisewsew n. kidney; bato, balisawsaw.

Balu n. widow, widower; balo. it balu ni Peliks negesawa peulih; Felix's widow remarried. ang balo ni Felix ay nagasawa ulî.

Balud n. pigeon, dove; kalapati, balod.

Ban v. sneeze; bahin.

Baned n. numbness; manhid.

mebaned, nemaqned Syn: maqkeng. epegkarasa et baned ey mge kepusuan ye baq gebi; she feels numbness of the legs in the evening;nakararamdam siya ng manhid sa mga binti pagka gabi.

Banaba n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy, banaba.

Banag n. vine, spiny; uri ngbagin.

Banar aj. 1 • true, correct; tama, totoo.

2 • serious; lala.

Pekubanar Syn: sugat, tantu, bantel. mesakit ne pelan banar si Juan; Juan's illness is indeed serious;ang lala na pala ng sakit ni Juan.

Banar intj. yes indeed! this is true!; Oo, sigurado. Syn: tantu, sugat. Anth: frequently used in conversation to aquiesce, to express agreement with speaker

banar adv. naturally, really, truly; talaga. banar nah metabah si Mablin; Mablin is really fat; talagang mataba si Mablin.

diki banar aj. not true, not really, not completely; hindi talaga, bulaan. diki banar pegbebresen ye; what he said is untrue;bulaan lang ang kanyang sinasabi. it mgeh taw atu’et Pilipinas kekensangan diki meitem banar; a majority of people in the Philippines are not very dark;ang mga tao dito sa Pilipinas ay karamihan ay hindi talaga maitim.

Banga n. species of grass or shrub; uri ng damo.

Banganbangan aj. uncertain; hindi sigurado, alinlangan.

Bangbang n. biscuits, bread; tinapay. Syn: tinapay.

bangel n. joist above the floor; subri.

Bangis n. wrath, anger; galit.   Syn: iseg.

Bangkad Variant: bengkad n. sudden fall, drop, crash; bagsak.

Bangkar n. raft; balsa.

bangkas v. untie, unfasten, undo; kalasin.

Bangkay n. corpse, remains; bangkay.

Bangkes Variant: bengkes ‘MT’. n. 1 • sago palm; batbat.

2 • sago, pith, starch; ubod. Metroxylon sagu. Syn:betbat, gumbya.

Bangle Variant: bengley. n. secondary growth, young secondary forest, fallow (old swidden); bunglay, dating kaingin.

Bangsa n. 1 • quality; uri.

2 • class, category, kind, set; klase, uri, bansa. enung bangsa relus ye; what kind (brand) is her watch? anong uri ang kanyang relos?

Bangsa v. wash or change constantly, be concerned with one's appearance; porma, magbago ng anyo.

Bangun n. saint, espirit; santo, espirito.

Bangun v. stand up, get up, wake up from; bangon.

negbangunsi Rusi negbangun et megiiga; Rusi got up from his sleep. si Rusi ay bumangon nang natutulog.

Bangungut n. nightmare, distressing dream, nightmare causing death; bangungot. Syn: penglek. bangungut nekepatey et tipused ye; her brother died of bangungot;namatay sa bangungot ang kanyang kapatid. Anth: see penglek

Bangus n. milkfish; bangos.

Banguybanguy n. whining, sobbing, sob; magiiyak, humikbi.

Banig n. footprints; bakas. Syn: bayag, labut. waray banig et menenakaw; the robbers have left footprints;may bakas ng magnanakaw.

Bansag Variant: bensag. n. cry, call, shout; sigaw, hiyaw. mekseg bensag ni Panu; Pano made a loud shout. malakas ang hiyaw ni pano. Anth: shouts and loud calls (bansag) are made while on the trail in order to warn people that a party is approaching, or just for fun, to let people know a party is on its way.

Bansuk n. bamboo tube for drinking rice-wine, drinking pipe or straw; buho sispipan ng tabad.

Banta n. quarrel, fight, confusion; away, gulo.

memanta, epemegbanta Syn: pintal. wayay nengdyading banta dut kide Rosa kegebi; there was a quarrel at Rosa's place last night;nagkaroon ng gulo kina Rosa kagabi.

bantad aj. inherited, learned; mamana, manahin, namana.

Bantal n. pillow; onan.

Bantel aj. true, right; totoo.

Bantug aj. well known, famous; tanyag. Syn: tanyag. bantug esawa yet pangunguru; his wife is a famous doctor;tanyag ang kanyang asawa sa panggagamot.

Bantug n. admiration, fame, celebrity; tanyag, katanyagan.

Banug n. white-breasted sea eagle; lawin. Haliaetus leucogaster.

Banut n. edible part of the jackfruit; lamukot. Syn: lunek et nangka. meregmis ey banut et nangka; the edible part of the jackfruit is sweet;matamis ang lamukot ng langka.

Baul Variant: baul; beul. n. wooden chest, large suitcase, trunk,; baol, ataul, kaban. Syn: beul.

Barat n. 1 • wind from the west; habagat.

2 • West; kanluran.

3 • moonsoon, rainy season; tag-ulan. Syn: ledpan. mekseg gumbang buh deres bah barat; the current and wind is strong during west monsoon;malakas ang alon at hangin kung habagat.

Barih aj. broken; bali.

Baris n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Barites n. species of fish; baritos.

Barya n. loose change; suklî, barya.

Basah Variant: basah. n. wetness, quality of being wet; basâ.

Basagen v. speak louder, make oneself be heard; lakasan (ang boses). Syn:ipetarusen.

Basakan n. irrigated rice-field; bukid. Syn: geneb.

Basal n. playing of the gongs, session of gong playing; tugtog ng mga gong.

Basa n. species of fish; kabasi.

Batang n. branch of tree; batang, kahoy na nakbulgta.

batah-batah n. species of banana; maliit na saging.

batikulen Variant: bintekulen. n. colon, stomach (chicken), gizzard; sikmura, balunbalunan.

Batsah Variant: batyah. n. magical spell, prayer; dasal.

Batsah v. read; basa, basahin.

Batu n. stone, rock; bato.

Batuk n. 1 • prediction; hula.

2 • accusation; bintang.

Nebatukan Syn: tendes, rudyum, sumbung, peruri. it batuk ni Lupis sumugat ya et lutu; Lupis' prediction is he will win in the lottery;ang hula ni Lupis ay tatama siya sa loto.

Batunen v. lift; buhatin.

Batyah Variant: batsah. n. magical spell; dasal. Syn: tawar.

Batyah n. big washbasin; malaking palanggana.

Bawang n. 1 • river, stream; ilog.

2 • valley, river basin, area, country; ilog, bukana. Syn: danum, diriyan. itinimbag dut bawang memulek nah bagung penenganak; they threw into the river the newly born baby;itinapon sa ilog ang batang bagong panganak.

Bawang   Variant: baweng. n. onion, garlic; sibuyas, bawang.

Bawas aj. sterile, barren; baog.

Baweg n. pig trap, spear trap to catch wild boars; balatik. Anth: type of trap found throughout SE Asia (insular and continental) made of a spring propelling a spear and triggered by a device placed on the path of the prey-- connected in mythology with the constellation of Orion

Bawih n. recovery (property, strength); bawi, tubos.

Bawing Variant: bewing. n. garlic; bawang.

Bawingbawing n. snail (mangrove); suso.

Bawih v. 1 • complete, repair; ayos, ayusin.

2 • give back; magsauli.

3 • resist, survive; makaligtas, paligtas.

Bayuk v. bind, tie up; itali, igapos.Syn: pungpung

begeyih et bayad n. payment, tip; bayad, pabuya. begayih et bayad mge negakut et mge libru; give payment to those that carried the books; bigyan mo ng pabuya ang mga naghakot ng aklat.

Bayag n. footprints; bakas. Syn: banig, labut.

Bayah v. 1 • go along; sama, magsama.

2 • step, tread; apak.

kebayah, pebayah, pegbayahbayah.    bayah neng bayah si Libu ki Dibu misan kayay lutuh; Libu always goes with Dibu even if he has nothing (no provision) to take along;sama nang sama si Libo kay Dibo kahit na walang baon.

Bayas n. species of yam (wild); uri ng ube.

Bayaw n. brother-in-law (WB, ZH, male speaker only) (kin term); bayaw. Anth: Female speakers use the word ipag to refer to both brother- and sister-in-law. Male speakers use 'ipag 'for sister-in-law (WZ and BW), and 'bayaw' for brother-in-law (WB and ZH)

Baybay n. species of vine, with edible root, yam; uri ng ubi.

Baybay n. species of shrub; kalibon, sambong.

Bayug n. species of bamboo; kawayan.

Be ptl. 1 • please, particle indicating a wish or an order; nga.

2 • particle placed after an interrogative, indicates a question, a point to be answered; bah. mugad ke be esentin; please leave or please get away from that place;umalis ka nga diyan. anu be ey pegtutulusen mu; what then (what exactly) are you looking for? ano ba ang inahanap mo?

bebagann. testicles; bayag. Syn: butuh.

bebandil n. small gong with narrow rim; agong na maliit. Syn: sanang.

Bebenerber n (onom). sound of falling water, lapping; lagunlong. it bebenerber et sebseban megkekineg eset damen; the lapping of the waterfall can be heard in our place. ang lagunlong ng talon ay naririnig sa amin.

Bebgasan n. basket, container for husked rice; lagayan ng bigas.Syn: begbasan.

Bebladan n. clothesline; sampayan, bilaran.

Bebteng aj. pregnant; buntis.Syn: egebteng

Begah Variant: bagah n. infection, ulcer; pigsa. Syn: bagas, berhahak.

begas n. husked rice (raw, uncooked); bigas.seng kedut nah begas gastus kay seng bulan; we spend one bag of rice per month;isang sakong bigas ang gastos namin sa isang buwan.

Begat n. weight, heaviness; bigat.

Begayan Variant: begeyan. v. 1 • give, offer as a gift, present with; handugan.

2 • give and take in mutual aid; tangkilikan.

3 • reciprocate, grant each other's request, exchange mutual gifts, share; bigayan. Syn: beheginan. begayan mu si Susan et menungang badyu; give Susan a beautiful dress;handugan mo si Susan ng magandang damit;megkekeilangan et pirak ey beheginan dye;in their mutual aid needs funds;nangangailangan ng kuwalta ang tangkilikan nila;begayih et tinapay ey iba mu; share your bread with your companion;bigyan mo ang tinapay ang kasama mo.

Begbeg v. accuse, sue; magdedemanda, maghabla. Syn: humabul.

Begey v. give, make a gift, give a present; bigay.

ibgey, begeyen, begayan, binggayan, pemgey, menggey, ipemegey, pememgayan.    begey lang daken ambag na itue; give me this bag here;bigay lang sa akin ang bag na ito;minggey et sempuluh nah pirak ey pinengamah ye; her godfather gave her ten pesos;nagbigay ang ninong niya sa binyag ng pakimkim na sampung piso.

Begey n. 1 • gift; handog.

2 • gift in money; pakimkim.

3 • ration; rasyon.

4 • alms; limos.

5 • dowry; bigay-kaya. Syn: ungsud. it begey ni Maria ki Ana tibang pasko pentalun; Maria's gift to Ana this Christmas is a pair of pants;ang handog ni maria kay ana ngayong pasko ay isang pantalon;it begey ni Luis nah begas duwang gantang seng linggu; Luis' ration is two gantas of rice a week;ang rasyon ni Luis ay dalawang salop na bigas isang lingo;megtetew et begey ey miskin; the beggar is asking for alms. nanghihingi ng limos ang pulubi.

begey et sensarah n. reward, prize, reward for an effort; gantimpala. kelang begey et nekesurung ke Pilipi; Felipe received a big reward for his going there;malaking gantimpala ang napunta kay Felipe.

Begisan n. shark; pating.nekeisih ya et begisan; he caught a shark. nakahuli siya ng pating.

Begit n. 1 • bird (generic); ibon.

2 • musical scale for the performance of tunes imitating the sounds of nature, like birdsongs, wind in the branches, insects, etc; uri ng melodya gumaya o humuwad ng mga ibon. it begit megkelpad; birds can fly. ang ibon ay lumilipad.

Begren v. pull, tear; hila.

Begrenen Syn: rayak.pull away, tear away; hilain, hatakin.

Begrit n. 1 • groove, line; guhit, lina.

2 • act of plucking the strings of the luth with the nail; kalbit.

Begritan Syn: guhit.

Begritan v. 1 • scratch, make a groove, trace a line; umukit, umuka.

2 • touch the strings of the luth with the nail; kumalbit.

Begsakan v. throw to; dagdagan.

Begsey n. paddle; sagwan. Syn: bersi.

Begtik n. almacega tree; almasiga. Agathis philippinensis.

Begtu n. tree, bamboo vine; uri ng bagin na parang kawayan.

Beguk n. species of bird; dugwak, bagok.Ardea sumatrana.Syn: mantud.

Begyu n. typhoon, tempest, storm; bagyo. Syn: tempur, ribut.

Behumen v. make a plan, form a project; tangkain.behumen ye man na mugad eset kide Lunggaya diki ya keugad; even if she plans to leave Lunggaya's place she cannot leave;tangkain man niyang umalis kina Lunggaya ay hindi siya makaalis.

Beis Variant: bais. n. co-parents-in-law (F and M of spouses) (kin term); balae,balai.Syn: beysan.

Bekak n. 1 • heron; tagak.

2 • species of bird, kingfisher; uri ng piskador. it bekak ey puti; the heron is white;ang tagak ay puti.

Bekakung n.basket made with busnig leaves (used when weeding or for other purposes); uri ng basket. Syn: kungkuyubung.

Bekar n. crack, brake, broken place; basag.

Bekbak v. throw; dagdag, buhus.

Bekeh n. sea turtle; pawikan..

Bekeh conj. and; at. Syn: buh.

Beklew v. rip, skin (like skinning an animal), tear the skin away; tanggal ng balat.

Bekukuh n. sword (with straight blade); badong, bakoko.

Belab Variant: belabew (BP, B). n. mouse, rat; daga. megkekan et using ey belabew; the cat eats mice;kumakain ng daga ang pusa.

belabag n. obstruction, barrier, something standing accross; harang, balabag.

belebagandinetunan mu tah et belabag it beleban?; did you put an obstruction at the door?;nilagyan mo ba ng harang ang pintuan?

Belabag n. ribbon, string; sintas.

Belabaw n. rat; daga. Syn: kesubung.

Belad v. exposed to the sun to dry; bilad.

Belagen n. generic term for all kinds of vines; bagin, baging. it ubas ey sembatung belagen; grapes are vines. ang ubas ay isang baging.

Belansut n. haemorrhoid; almuranas.Syn: durut.

Belantiung n. species of fish; klase ng isda.

Belantuwih Variant: belinswih (MT). n. somersault, rolling over, coil up (like the scaly anteater), upside-down position; balintukis, sirka, tiwarik, baliktad. negbelantuwihsi Rusit it negdagdag eset pupuh ye;Rusit fell from her maiden house head first (uspide down);nagbaliktad si Rusit nang malaglag sa kanyang bahay pangdalaga.

Belah v. split; biyak.

Belah Variant: bela. n. species of fish (freshwater); uri ng isda.

Belatung n. 1 • monggo; monggo.

2 • lentil; munggo. megkekan dye et belatung it duminateng kay; they were eating mongo when we arrived;kumakain sila ng monggo nang kami's dumating.

Belbal n. beating; hambalos. kaqang belbal lang et ideng menatey ne; one beating only will kill the dog;isang hambalos lamang sa aso ay patay na ito.

Belbalen v. beat with a cane or a piece of wood; hambalusin. belbala ey memulek nah menenakew; beat the boy who has stolen with a cane. hambalusin mo ang batang magnanakaw.

Beleban Variant: belebaan; n. door, entrance, treshold; pintoan, entrada, pagpasok. Syn: lelengewan.

belebagan n. put an obstruction; harangan. belebagih ey dalan et kayu; put a tree trunk to obstruct the way;harangan mo ng kahoy ang daan. 

Belebed aj. twisted; pilipit.

binelebedtali neh binelebed ey ilinapes kenye; he was whipped with a twisted rope;lubid na pinilipit ang ipinalo sa kanya.

Beleg aj. blind; bulag.

beleknedn. species of tree; uri ng kahoy. Syn: belinad.

Belengasan n. fish (marine), small swordfish (see rumpiq); uri ng isda sa dagat, rumpi.

Belensuit n. tree; uri ng kahoy.

Beles Variant: belas. n. 1 • replacement, return (of something); ganti.

2 • vengeance, retaliation; higanti.

belian   Variant: belyan; balyan. n. shaman, healer, medicine man; albularyo, doktor laway. Anth: The belian is both a healer and a ritual specialist able to see and communicate with invisible beings. In the central highland area, around Mount Mantalingayan, he is always male and conducts trance seances during which his soul travels to other worlds and meets with various spirits. He sings the 'ulit' (ritual chanting) and thus shares his otherworldly experience with his human audience. In the KulbIi-Kenipaqan area he is also male and goes in a trance while entoning the ritual chant 'deruhan'. He is thus possessed by the spirit who speaks through him. In the Quezon area women can become belian and are possessed by spirits. Famous shamans endowed with exceptional powers, like the ability to bring the dead back to life are called 'tungkul' and their souls are invoked by practicing belians.

belibit v. mock, ridicule; libak. Syn: limut.

Belikag aj. inverted, upside down; baliktad. Syn: belyew.

belikwad v.lift and turn on the other side; itaas, buhatin, iangat, baliktarin.

Belikwah n. game (to test one's strength with the hands); laro ng tornilyo.

Belilang Variant: balilang. n. part of body comprising the hip and the behind, cheek of behind, behind, part below the hip, hip, buttock; pigi, balakang. tegeh tawan ya eset belilang;she has a wound in the buttock;may sugat siya sa pigi. kelah ey belilang ni Nena Nena has got a large behind (wide hips). malaki ang balakang ni Nena. 

Belinad n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy. Syn: belekned.

Belingkeng Variant: belingkeg aj. winding; liku-liko. belingkeng ey dalan dut kedye; the way to their place is winding;liku-liko ang daan sa kanila.

Belinteh n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Belintuwang n. scaly anteater; balintong.Paramanis culionensis. Syn: peneg, tenggiling, tenggeling.

Belnek n. bottom of a valley, plateau; talampas.

Belu v. believe, think that; isip, manalig.

Belubelu Variant: bubulu (MT). n. species of mushroom (grows on trees); uri ng kabute.

Beluga n. a kind of vine used as shampoo; gugo. Entada phaseolides (L) Merrill.epegkusu ku et belugu supaya numunga ey buek; I use the bark of the gugo in washing my hair so that it will shine;gumagamit ako ng gugo sa paglilinis ng buhok.

Belung n. jellyfish, Portugese man o'war; salabay.

Belung n. placenta; unan, inunan. Syn: Inulunan, bulung, tamuni.

Belunggay n. horseradish tree; malunggay. Moringa pterygosperma Gaertner.

Beluntung n. rainbow; balangaw, bahag hari.

Beluh n. belief, opinion, idea; akala. Syn: kwan, panganal. enu eset beluh mu meirgan tah ni Rita ey si Medyatu?; what do you think, will Rita love Medyatu?;ano sa akala mo magustohan ni Rita si Modyato?

Belyew Variant: beliew. aj. upside down, inverted; baliktad. Syn: balingkeg, belikag.

Bena Variant: benwa (MT). n. building, house, dwelling, home; gusali, bahay, pamamahay. Syn:benwa. it benwa ni maman Mandagi dut daya et Tigeplan; the house of uncle Mandagi is at the headwaters of the Tigaplan river;ang pamamahay ni mang Mandagi ay nasa ulo ng Tigaplan. Anth: houses are always on stilts, and are single family units; mekansang dedekerang benwa dut Menila; there are many large buildings in Manila;may maraming malaking gusali sa Maynila.

Benwabenwa n. hut, shack; kubo.Syn: bebenwa.waway benwabenwa si Nining eset abih et dalan; Neneng owns a small hut on the side of the street;may kubo si nining sa tabi ng daan.

Benaren Variant :benaran. v. make true; totohanin. benaren mu ginsan nah binres mu;make true all you said;totohanin mo ang lahat ng sinabi mo.

Bendira n. flag; watawat. neuyat bendira dye; their flag got torn;napunit ang kanilang watawat.

Bengbengan n. roof extension; ambî.

Bengel n. game, play; laro, laruhan.

Bengel aj. deaf, deafened by; bingi, tulig.

megbangel, binggel, benglenbinggel dye net leput et kanyun; they are deafened by the (report of the) canons. tulig na tulig sila sa putok ng kanyon.

belbengel, megbengel, Syn:usik. aj. deafened by shock; tulig.

Bengilan n.species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bengkanawa Variant: bengkenawa. n. scorpion; alakdan.

Bengkel n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy, bangkal.

Bengkes n. 1 • sagu palm.

2 • core, pith (of a palm tree, particularly the sago palm); ubod. Metroxylon sagu. Syn :betbat. menungang pegseruyen ey bengkes; the pith of the Metroxylon makes a delicious vegetable;ang ubod ng batbat ay masarap gulayin. Anth: In Palawan mythology, a giant Metroxylon connected the earth and the sky making possible for humans who lived in the sky to come down to earth.

Benglen v. render deaf; tuligin. kaluh benglen kaw et arun et ideng bah gebi; the barking of the dogs in the evening might deafen your ears;baka tuligin kayo ng mga asong tumatahol kung gabi.

bengles aj. spoiled by fermentation, stale, spoiled; panis.

mebenglesmebengles ne ey isdaan inwas nega; the viand is already spoiled yet she served it. panis na ang ulam ay inihain pa.

benglu n. perfume; bango.Syn: hamot

benit n. hook (for fishing); kawil. Syn: ambor.

Bensagan v . shout at; hiyawan. kasih pegbensagih ey induh mu; do not shout at your mother;huwag mong hiyawan ang iyong ina.

Bensahan n. helm, rudder; timon.

Bensulih n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bentayan v. guard; talibaan. Syn: ibanan. subalih ibanan lang ey libun nahatin kaluh megtanan; it is necessary that that girl be guarded for she might elope;kailangang talibaan ang babaing iyan baka magtanan.

Bentelan Variant: bentelen. v. be sincere, frank, speak truthfully, confess, admit; tapatan, prankahan, diritsahan.

benteli (imper. form)    bentelih be ey ibaiba mu; in be frank with (tell the truth to) your friends;tapatan mo ang iyong kaibigan. bentelih ne be ey tetehagen ye; in talk frankly to his messenger;tapatin mo na ang kanyang sugo.

Benteng n. movement of astonishment, attitude of shock; tulala.

Benteng n. kind of fish; uri ng isda.

Bentugen v. honor, pay respect, praise; magparangal, purihin.

Bantugah (imper. form)    subalih bentugen ye dumateng na ibaiba ye; he has to honor his newly arrived friend;kailangang magparangal siya sa bagong dating na kaibigan;bentugah ya sepaya sumegya;praise her so she will be happy;purihin mo siya at nang matuwa.

Benwa Variant: bena (KK). n. house, dwelling; bahay.

kelang benwa   Variant: kelang bena ‘KK’. n. big house, large house, house for community meetings; malaking bahay gamitin para sa pagpupulong. Anth: The kelang benwa, or "big house", serves as a public meeting place for ceremonies, gong playing, rice-wine drinking, public hearings (bitsara), marriages, healing ceremonies, etc. It is owned by one person or family --usually the owner is the senior legal adviser (memimitsara, panglima, ukum), or senior person (megurang) for the neighborhood (rurungan)--. It is not a communal dwelling place. Only one family occupies it at all times, but other persons , visitors or neighboors, may spend the night occasionaly. Members of the neighborhood just go there to spend time, chat, gossip, and let children play on the wide floor.

Beragat aj. grave, severe (sickness); grabe. Syn:pinsan, lipong.

Berahak Variant: berhahak. n. abscess, skin ulcer, tumor, boil, skin infection; pigsa.

Binerehakan Syn: bagah, bagas. waya berahak ya eset likud; she has a boil on the back;may pigsa siya sa likod.

Beranget Variant: berenget; burenget. n. beard, mustache, facial hair; balbas.

Berangkas n. horseshoe crab; barangkas.

Berantay  aj. said of something that is seen beyond something else, protruding from behind; uslî, paguslî, paglabas.

Beraberaan Variant: beberan n. fish; mayamaya.

Beras n. species of grass or shrub; uri ng damo.

Berawang n. type of blowgun's dart, with a v-shaped tip; uri ng bala (sumpit), supuk.

Berebawan n. stomach, abdomen; tiyan, puson.

Berekberek Variant: bekberek ‘MT’. n. species of bird; purokpurok. Phragmaticola aedon, Criniger bres.

Bereng n. species of fish; bararawan, danggit.

Bereit n. species of fish (freshwater); uri ng isda.

Beres n. word, speech, language, say; salita, sabi.

bebresan, binres, beresberes, megberes, nembres, pembres, pemresan Syn:sampang, hampang. beres ni Utun nekekan ne ya; Utun has eaten, said he. sabi ni Utun ay nakakain na siya.

Beribahan n. species of snake; kuwatro kantos.

Bribed aj. coiled around, entangled (rope), being caught by a short length of rope; magkasabisabid.

ribed, negribed, megribed    negribed ey karbew dut tuwed; the buffaloe is caught by its rope coiled around a stump. magkasabidsabid ang kalabaw sa tuod.

Beribih n. species of grass or shrub; uri ng damo.

Beridbidan Variant: beibiran ‘MT’. n. species of tree or shrub; uri ng damo. Quisqualis indica Linné.

Beringin n. Ficus tree; balete.

Beris n. forest tree; uri ng kahoy.

Beriyung n. turn, move around, turn around; pihit.

beriyungenit beriyung nah mesakit ey pegibang; when turning the patient, it is done towards the left. ang pihit ng maysakit ay pakaliwa.

Beriyungen v. turn; pihitin. beriyungah ey minuteru et pekewanan; turn the minute hand to the right;pihitin mo ng pakanan ang minutero.

Bersen v. say; sabihin.

gai bersen n. suggestion; mungkahi. Syn: ireg bersen.gai ku bersen menulus ne lang ya et leing tetahagen; my suggestion is for him is to look for another helper; ang mungkahi ko humanap na siya ng ibang utusan

bersahbersen mu ki Rusa na mayah dimu;please tell Rosa to go with you;sabihin mo kay Rosa na sumama siya sayo.

Bersi n. paddle; sagwan. Syn: begsey.

Berungbung n. species of bamboo; tambo. Syn: rebung.

Berungpung n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Berungun n. shellfish (mangrove); bagungon. 

Berurungen n. roll, coil; ikid. berurungen mu ey tali; please coil the rope. ikirin mo ang lubid.

Berurusan v. hit with a spear; ibato. Syn: ibagak.

Berutbut   v. extract, uncork, get something out; bunutin.

Beryan Variant: beriyan. n. brideprice, dowry; dote, bigay-kaya. Anth: A brideprice is composed of several items, one being for the "permission to enter the house", 'ketindalan', another for the "permission to engage in courtship", 'kesulagan', and comprises other elements consisting in heirloom property, plates and today money (the word 'pakirim' is used in the central highlands) The brideprice consisted traditionaly of a fixed amount of goods and heirlooms (sword, betel box, jar, plates,etc.). The bride price was lower for the elder daughter, higher for the younger.Traditionally the unit of value was the plate, 'rayah' and the toal value of the brideprice was calculated by the number of plates and other pieces of heirloom.

Beryu Variant: beryu; bariu; baryu. n. village, main settlement in a barangay; barrio. Anth: The word 'barrio' (Tag) borrowed from Spanish 'bario', was an administrative unit renamed "barangay" during the Marcos' administration. The word 'barangay' refers to what is supposed to have been a basic pre-Spanish social and territorial group. In most Palawan speaking areas the "barrio" refers to the main settlement in the area, located at the foothills or near the seashore, inhabited by a majority of Christian lowlanders and seat of the barangay administration. Small clusters of houses, or hamlets, are 'rurungan' (Pal), or 'sitio' (Tag).

Besagen v. harrow; magsuyod. Syn: suyudin.

Besak  n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Besak aj. split, broken; biyak.

Binisak Variant: binirak; biniyak

Besih n. iron; bakal.

kekaling besih n. small iron rod; bareta.

Besihbesih n. species of mushroom (grows on trees, not edible); uri ng kabute.

Besley n. dart for blowgun, arrow; bala ng sumpit, palaso. it mgeh Igurut meggamit dyet panah buh besley;the Igorots use bows and arrows;ang mga Igorot ay gumagamit ng pana at palaso. 

Besley n. arrow; palaso. it mge igurut meggamit dyet pana bu besley; the igorrotes use bows and arrows;ang mga igorot ay gumagamit ng pana at palaso. Anth: bows attached on top of trees, houses or attached to kites producing a pleasing humming sound

Besulan n. entrance of the houseyard, threshold of the legwas (space around the house); labas ng bahay, kanto.

betang n. 1 • fine (payment); multa, lagay.

2 • bet, stake; pusta. Syn:tayu.

Betbat n. sago palm; batbat. Metroxylon sagu. Syn: bengkes.

Betek n. things bound together, bundle, pack; bigkis.

Beteng n. belly, stomach; tiyan. kelah ey beteng et taw na ine; that man has an enlarged stomach (ha a big belly);malaki ang tiyan ng taong iyan.

Beteng n. young coconut (with flesh); buko.

Betih v. wake up, come to; magising. Syn: tiyag, lukag.

Betis n. leg; binti. Syn: tiked, tukud.

Betngan v. call something, name, give a name; tawagan.

Betuken v. predict; hulaan.Syn: tekedah.tekedah bah sinu ey megdedateng; guess who is coming;hulaan mo kung sino ang darating.

Between aj. round; bilog.

Beul n. trunk, chest; kaban. Syn: baul. minlen si Maging et beul dut Bunbun; Maging bought a trunk in Brooke's Point;bumili si Maging ng kaban sa Brookes.

Bewinen v. 1 • detach, unbind, disjoin; tanggalin.

2 • take back, buy back, recover; bawiin.

Beyadan v. give money, pay, give a salary, a compensation,; suwelduhan. beyadi ne si Binis supaya keuli ne; give Binis his pay so he can go home;suwelduhan mo na si Binis at nang makauwi na.

Beyaden v.settle an account, pay; tuusin. subalih beyaden ne utang dye; in it is necessary that they settle their account;kailangan nang tuusin ang kanilang utang.

Beybayan n. seashore; tabing dagat. eset beybayan benwa it pengibanan ni Durmin; Durmin's mother-in-law's house is near the seashore;sa tabing dagat ang bahay ng biyanan ni Durmin.

Beyek aj. naughty, deceiving, stupid, ignorant; makulit. Syn: diki keseudan.

pegkebeyek, kebeyek, megbeyekbeyeknegbebeyekbeyekan si Alida; Alida pretends to be ignorant;nagmamaang-maangan si Alida.

Beyla n. spadefish; espada.

Beysan n. co-parent-in-law (kin term); balae, balai. Syn: beis, bais. Anth: S/D spouses's F/M

Beyu n. sea turtle; pagong.

Beyungbung n. hollow tree; may-guwang punong kahoy.

Beyukuh Variant: beyu. n. small land turtle; pagong.

Bibih n. sob, sobbing; hikbi.

megbibihmegbibih ey memulek it duminateng induh ye; the child was sobbing when his mother arrived;humihikbi ang bata nang dumating nanay niya.

Bibirinan n. standpoint, place from where one view things; tanawan. it bibirinan dye in eset balkun; the point where they view things is the balcony;ang kanilang tanawan ay sa balkonahe.

Bibit v. bring; carry; take; dala. bibit ni Ramun karbew ye dut bukid; Ramon toolkthe carabao with him in the mountains; dala ni Ramon ang kanyang kalabaw sa bundok.

Biddah Variant: bidah aj. comparable; itulad, iparis.

pinegbiddaan.kaya biddah;nothing comparable.

biddah lang conj. if only (conditional, wishful); kung lamang, nakakiba.

Biek Variant: biyek;byek. n. pig; baboy. Sus sp.

Biek talun n. boar, wild boar; baboy damo. Sus sp. (Sus celebensis negrinus Sanborn).

Biek benwa n. pig (domesticated); baboy. Syn: uduk.

bigah n. wild taro; uri ng gabi, badyang.

bihi n. song (bird); huni ng ibon.

Bihun n. noodles; pansit, pansit bihon. megkan dyet bihun kada wayay kankanan dye; they eat noodles whenever they have a party;kumakain sila ng pansit tuwing may handaan sila.

Bikal n. species of bamboo; kawayan.

Bikurkur Variant: biturtur ‘MT’. n. nightjar, species of bird (nocturnal); tukaro (Bis. tukturr). Caprimulgus sp., Caprimulgus macrurus manillensis Walden. Syn: taruktaruk.

Bikyat   v. carry, lift; buhat.

Bikyaten Variant: bikiaten. v. carry, lift up, carry something heavy; buhatin.

Bilagung n. trap, loop, noose placed on the ground (to catch birds); silo.

Bilak Variant: birak ‘MT’. aj. split, cut in two; biyak. Syn: besak.

Bilaken Variant: biraken ‘MT’. v. split, cut into strips, divide; biyakin.

Bilah Variant: ilah ‘BP, MT’. n. friend, companion, buddy; kaibigan, pare. Syn :ilah, bagay, kabagay. 

Bilik n. room, space partitioned off in the house; kuwarto.

Bilin n. 1 • will, instructions; habilin, tagubilin.

2 • date, rendez-vous, appointment; petsahan, tipanan.

Namilin Syn: tektak. enu ey nekedatun dut bilin et ama ye;what is written in the will of his father? ano ang nakalagay sa habilin ng kanyang bilin et mengunguru sebalih migahet megkepun nega si Armina; the doctor's instruction is for Armina to sleep early. ang tagubilin ng manggagamot ay matulog ng maaga si Armina.

Bilug n. body; katawan. it bilug et libun teretek et raru; the body of the woman is full of stabs;ang katawan ng babae ay tadtad ng sugat.

Bilugan n. friend, companion, acquaintance; kasama.

Biluhlu n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Binaha v. filled; pinuno. binaha et danum ey siburan; the jar is filled with water. pinuno ng tubig ang tapayan.

Binawang n.species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Binatengbateng n. event causing a disturbance, cause of a sickness, what caused something bad to happen; dahilan sa maysakit, dahilan sa nangyari.

Binatih v. be aware of; may kinalaman. Syn: pinasadar.

Binatun v. pull out, pull out of the water (fish); inangat.

Binaun v. prick, pierce with a sharp instrument; duruin, sundutin. Syn: dinegpak.

Binelayan n. abandonned house, vacant house, empty dwelling; bakas bahay. Syn :inekasan.

Binensekan v. insert, slide under; siniksikan.

Binenuwa n. sphere, kingdom, country, place; lupalop, bansa, lalawigan, lugar. bah embeng binenwa tiban si maman Mendagi?; where is Mister Mandagi today, in what country?; kung saang lupalop ngayon Mang Mandagi.

Binerengbeng  v. close, be closed; sarhan. binerengbeng na ey dalan surung dut kide Ulapu; they closed the way leading to Ulapu'shouse;sinarhan na ang daan patungo kina Ulapu.

Binirih v. being looked into, being searched; ginalugad. binirih ey seled benwa ni Kunas kaluh enten ey menenakaw; they searched Kunas' house, looking for the thief;ginalugad nila ang bahay ni Kunas at baka nandoon ang magnanakaw. Anth: Please check on the sample sentences

Binit n. 1 • rim, edge; gilid.

2 • coast, coastal line, seashore; tabi ng dagat. Syn: iged, eged. kasih adung eset binit; don't sit on the edge;huwag kang umupo sa gilid.

Binres v. mentioned, has said, has been said; tinuran, sinabi. Syn: minres. Narra ey binres yeng bayan;Narra is the town she mentioned;ang bayan niyang tinuran ay Narra.

Binsag n. speies of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bintanger Variant: bintangur. n. species of ree; uri ng kahoy.

Bintehus  n. forest tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bintek v. fastened, tied up; binigkis.

Bintekulan n. gizzard; balumbalunan. kelen ke et bintekulen dut palingki?; you can buy gizzards at the market?;makakabili ka ng balumbalunan sa palenke?

Bintis n. kingfisher (small species), species of bird; susulbot, piskador.

Bintugan n. species of snake; bintoran.

Bintuhus Variant: bintahus ‘MT’. n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bintur Variant: bintul ‘MT’. n. trap for catching crabs; panghuli ng alimango.

Binubungan n. roof beam; bubungan. Syn:pekakas.

Binulbug n. gruel, rice gruel; lugaw. binulbug mene ey kinaan ni ana; ana ate only rice gruel; lugaw na lang ang kinain ni ana.

Binuren v. have placed, have put; inilagay.

Binutungan n. wrapped; binalot.

Binuwang n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Binuwat n. creation, created, what has been created, made; lalang. binuwat et Empuh ey unang taw atet sengkinuluban; God created the first man in this world;lalang ng diyos ang lahat ng tao.

Bigang n. molar (tooth); ngiping pangnguyâ, bagang.

Bigat v. relapse; binat. Syn: bigat. nebiqgat si Tutuy et sakit ye; Totoy relapsed;nagkaroon ng binat si Totoy.

Bisaken v. split with an axe, cut; sibakin. Syn: biraken. bisaken ni Simeun ey kayu; the wood will be split by Simeon;sisibakin ni Simeon ang kahuy.

Biten v. direct, guide, conduct; akayin.

Biras n. co-brother-in-law (WZH) (kin term); bilas. Anth: This kin relationship is marked by spatial closeness between husbands of sisters (uxorilocal residence makes them neighbors) while they need not to have a blood or afinal relation between them.

birih. n. see, look; kita, tingin, tingnan.

megbirih, memirih, birinen, binirih, memirimirih, pemirih Syn: leteg, letgan. birinen mu atue ey kelang bena; you see here, there is the big house;kita rito ay ang malaking bahay.

Birinen v. look, see; tanawin. Syn: letgan. birinah ey kapal na megdedateng; in look at the steamship coming in;tanawin mo ang bapor na dumarating.

Birinen  tanan   v. search thoroughly; halungkatin. birinen mu tanan ey sunuh et beul; search thoroughly what's inside the suitcase;halungkating mo ang laman ng maleta.

Bias n. 1 • poison, venom; yagit, kamandag.

2 • pain, hurt; sakit.

mebisatege bisa ey kaqgat et seli; snakes's bites have poison, the snake's bite is venomous;may kamandag ang kagat ng ahas.

Bisan Variant: misan ‘MT’. conj. although; kahit. Syn: misan. epegiskul nega bisan ya megurang ne; he is still studying in spite of his age, he is still stuying although he is already old;nag-aaral siya kahit matanda na.

bisan ngiran adv. evermore, nevermore; kailanman. bisan ngiran mendih ku ne ikew mebirih; I don't want to see you evermore;ayaw na kitang makita kailanman.

Bisangag Variant: besangag n. mangrove tree, pandanus; pandan sina.

Bisaya n. lowlander, Christian settler, Filipino (non Palawan); tao na hindi katutubo, galing sa labas ng Palawan, Pilipino. Anth: The term denotes any Filipino Christian lowlander who is not an indigenoous Palawan person. An Ilocano is a 'bisaya'. The term contrast with Palawan and Islam (Muslim from Palawan or from other parts of the Philippines).

Bisker n. migratory bird; uri ng ibon. Rallina fasciata. Anth: The bisker is a migratory bird, actively sought and entrapped by means of snares. The season during which the bisker stays in Palawan is at the end of the dry season (July-August). Like all migratory birds it is supposed to descend from the sky and then return to the sky region, after it leaves the land of Palawan; it dwells in a place covered with the blood of dead people; hence the color red of its legs.

Bisukul n.freshwater snail (edible); uri ng suso.

Bitara Variant: gitara. n. guitar; gitara. itinago ni Dyun ey bitara dut seled; Jun kept the guitar inside the room;itinago ni Jun ang gitara sa loob.

Bitas v. rip, tear apart; pigtas.

Bitbit Variant: bibit v. carry along; taglay. bitbit ye ey kelang kebentugan; she carried along a great honor. taglay niya ang malaking karangalan.

Biten v. bring along, carry; dalhin.

Bitsara Variant: bisara. n. 1 • conversation, talk; usap.

2 • meeting, gathering; miting.

3 • discussion, case (judicial), trial, public hearing, litigation; usapan, pagdedemanda, pagsasakdal.

memimitsara, pegbitsara, pegbitsarabitsara, epemegbitsara, bitseranenenung bitsara it ireg mung bersen; what conversation are you referring to? anong usapan ang tinukoy mo? waray pegbitsarabitsara kay diklem we are going to have a little talk tomorrow. may miting kami bukas. Anth: The bitsara is a public gathering of people involved in a litigation, or a discussion concerning affairs of general interest, like marriage procedures. In the central highland area, bitsara are time-consuming affairs, with witnesses ('saksi') being interrogated by one or several senior experts in customary law ('memimitsara, ukum'), and with both plaintifs and defendants stating their cases at length. The litigation is concluded by an agreement ('isun'), a recommendation ('usyat'), and a fine ('beteng') if guilt is established for a second or third time. Note: see ukum, memimitsara, adat

bitseranen v.request, ask a favor, talk to someone to ask a favor, plead with; pakiusapan, suyuin. bitseranen mu ey upuh mu nah ipebibit ku dut Rizal; ask your grandfather to take you to Rizal;pakiusapan mo ang lolo mo na ipadala ka sa Rizal. sebalih bitseranen muy pengibanan mu sepaya ipeiskul yey keibunan mu; you ought to plead with your mother-in-law so she will send your children to school;dapat mong suyuin ang iyong biyenan upang pag-aralin ang iyong mga anak.

Bitsin n. glutamate (commercial food ingredient); betsin.

Bituen n. stars; estrelya. waray mgeh bituen nah megkebiri dye bah gebi; they see stars at night. may mga estrelya silang nakikita kung gabi.

Bituka n. intestine, bowel, entrail; bituka. Syn: ineraman.

Biyag n. life; buhay.

Biyag aj. growing, alive, living; buhay. biyag ne ey luwak kung ladah; the pepper I planted is now growing;buhay na ang itinanim kong sili.

Biyagen v. grow, raise; buhayin. biyagen mu ey kepayas nah ibinggey ku dimu; please make the papaya that I gave you grow;buhayin mo ang papayang ibigay ko sayo.

Blakbeg n. rice pest, black bug; blakbag.

Bubu n. fish trap; panghulî ng isdâ.

Bubuk n. small shrimps; alamang.

Bubun n. crown or top of the head, fontanella; bumbunan.

Buduk n. dandruff; balakubak. Syn: erik-ik.

Budyak n. spear (with symmetrical spearhead); sibat. Syn: ligid, lebeq, tagad. budyak ey peggemiten yet pegisi et biyek et talun; he used a spear in catching a wild boar;ginagamit niya nag sibat sa paghuli ng baboy damo.

Budyang n. young unmarried man or woman, bachelor (man), young unmarried lady, miss; binata, dalaga, binibini. Syn: umawey. budyang nega si Pintu sempa tiban; Pinto is still a bacheor until today;binata pa si Pinto hanggang ngayon.

Buek Variant: buwek; bwek. n. hair; buhok. it buek ni Nena waya ney burah; Nena's hair has become white;ang buhok ni Nena ay may puti na.

Bugan n. gray heron; tagak. Syn: mengengesili.

bugan et danum n. species of bird, heron; tikwara. Syn: mengengesili.

Bugedar n. chief, master, tyrant; punong malupit.

Bugew n. pain, sadness, grief; lungkot.

Bugis n. itch, sarna, dhobie itch; galis.

Bugisen Syn: buni. wayay bugis si Sumat eset kepusuan; Sumat has sarna on the legs;may galis si Sumat sa binti.

bugisen   adj. full of itches; galisin. bugisen ey si Pitra; Petra is full of itches;si petra ay galisin.

Bugtuh v. brake, broken, snap; lagot.

Bukagan n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bukalas Variant: kalas ‘MT’. n. bottom, arse; puwet. Syn: ambut.

bukah   open (flower, mouth); bukâ.

Ibukah Syn: kumbang. ibukah mu ey babah mu;please open your mouth;paki nganga mo ang iyong bibig.

Bukbuk n. woodborer; bukbuk.

Bukid v. mountain, highlands; bundok.

Buklus n. species of fish (freshwater); uri ng isda.

Bula n. ball; bola.

Bulag v. prohibit, forbid, scold; sawayBinulag Syn: mulag.

Bulag n. dry season (from January to May); init, tag-init.

Bulagen v. 1 • disobey; suwayin.

2 • scold, berate, give a dressing down; kagalitan, pagsabihan.

3 • control oneself, be moderate; magpigil, pumigil, pigilin, timpiin. Syn: ulugulugen. kasi pegbulagah ey induh mu;do not disobey your mother;huwag mong suwayin ang iyong ina.

Bulakakey n. shellfish (mangrove); uri ng talaba.

Bulan n. 1 • moon; buwan.

2 • month; buwan.

Bulanbulan n. species of fish (freshwater); bolanbolan, bangus, isda sa tabang.

Bulang n. spur of a coq, a rooster; tari.

Megbulang Anth: Traditional cockfighting ('tampur') among the Palawan is done withouth metal spurs, as opposed to the lowlanders' habit of having cocks fight with metal spurs ('sabong') this resulting in a short deadly fight, whereas traditional Palawan cockfightng lasts until one of the cocks runs away.

Bulayak v. dump the water, throw the water from a container; tapon ng tubig.Syn:ulah.

bulaug   Variant: buleng ‘MT’. aj. one who does not fulfill his obligations, swindler; balasubas.

bulawan n. gold; ginto.

pemulawanwaya bulawan si Kesigid eset nipen; Kasigid has a gold on her tooth;may ginto si Kasigid sa ngipin.

Bulbugen v. make rice gruel; lugawin.

binulbugbulbugah lang ey ibunibun begas; make gruel out of the small amount of rice;lugawin mo lang ang kaunting bigas.

Bulbul n. body hair, feather; balahibo, balbon.

Buldung Variant: budlung ‘PI’. n. species of plant, cane; banban. Donax cannaeformis. Anth: important plant in the Punang-Irarey ritual cycle- this plant is considered to be "cold" and has fertilizing virtues

Buleng Variant: beluwing ‘MT’. n.species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bulig n. bunch, cluster; buwig. bulig et punti kelah; the bunch of bananas is large;malaki ang buwig ng saging. 

Bulingew v. speak loudly, be noisy; maingay. 

Bulingkeg Variant: belingkeg. aj. inside out, reversed; crooked; baluktot, kalikuan.

kebelingkeeganit kebelingkegan et adat ye ey nekepurisu kenye; his crooked ways caused him to go to jail;ang kalikuan ng kanyang asal ang nakabilanggo sa kanya.

Bulih n. vagina; poki, putay, bilat, puwit. Syn: kuribeng.

Bulnuh n. species of tree; bulno.

Bulnut n. ex-husband/wife, divorced person, separated spouse; dating asawa. Syn : netidengan.

Bulud n. hilltop, mountaintop, summit of a mountain; gulod ng bundok.

kebuludbuludandut bulud et bukid mekensang na burakburak; there are many flowers on the hilltop;sa gulod ng bundok ay maraming bulaklak.

Bulug aj. shaved, hairless, bald, bald headed; ahit, kalbo.

Bulun n.1 • partnership; bakas.

2 • marriage, wedding (used in that sense in MT); kasal.Syn: tinahag. megbulun te et usaha; let us be partners in this venture. magbakas tayo sa negosyo.

Bulung n. placenta; inunan. Syn : tamuni, inulunan.

Bulungan v. wrap, make a parcel, put in a bag; balutin. Syn:butungan.

Bulus n. tops, greens, young edible leaves of plant (like taro), sprout; talbos, talbos. Syn: tulnuh, tengwey.

Bumagsak v. having collapsed; gumuho, bumagsak, natibag. Syn: netanah.

Buneg n. tree; uri ng kahoy. Garcinia sp..

Bungbung n. species of bamboo; buho.

Bungbungan n. help, cooperation; panulong.

Bungle n. quarter of the moon; hindi pa kabilugan ng buwan.

Bungkal  n. coconut husk; bunot.

Bungkar n. destruction; pagsira, pagwawasak.

Bungkaren Syn: rungkat.

Bungkaya v. lie flat on one's back, supine; tihaya. Syn: kekayang.

Bunglay n. species of tree (forest); papayang.

Bunglew v. rinse; banlaw. kelima bunglewan ye ey tutulpken ye; she reinsed her laundry five times;ang banlaw ng kanyang nilabahan ay makalima.

Bunglun n. termite; anay.

Bungsud n. 1 • anthill; bunsud.

2 • mound; punso.

3 • fishtrap; baklad. mekansang nah bungsud eset likud et benwa kay

Bunguran n. species of banana; klase ng saging.

Bungyu n. species of tree; papayapapaya.

Buni n. sarna, dhobie itch; galis. Syn: bugis.

Bunsikag n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Buntel n. globe-fish, tetrodon; botete.

Buntelinew n. tree; kamagong.

Buntetalah n. star, Venus; tala. nebirih et mgeh pastul ey kelang buntetalah; the shepherds saw a big star;nakita ng mga pastol ang malaking tala.

Buntul v. lie down; higa. Syn: pelitid, litid. buntul ne migah teyu ne; lie down, and let's sleep;higa na matutulog na tayo.

Bunuan v. fight; labanan.

Bunuh n. 1 • murder, killing; patayan,

2 • war, battle; giyera, labanan.

Pegbunubunuh Syn: dugkap, dugpak, gira. aray bunuq dut Vietnam tagnah; there was a war in Vietnam years ago;may giyera sa Vietnam noon.

bunutbunut Variant: butbunut n. species of tree; uri ng kahoy.

Bunyag n. haircut; gupit. negpebunyag si Utal ki Linggit kegeine; Utal had his hair cut by Linggit just a while ago;nagpagupit si utazl kay Linggit kanina.

bunyaganv. cut, trim (hair); gupitan. bunyagan mu si Pwal ngine; plesase cut Pual's hair by and by;gupitan mo si Pual mamaya.

Buh conj. and; at. Syn: bekeh.

Bulug aj. bald headed; kalbo. bulug ey si Aymi; Jaime is bald-headed;si Jaime ay kalbo.

Burabura n. sud, bubbles; bula. it buraqburaq et sabun meputi; the sud of the soap is white;ang bula ng sabon ay maputi.

Burak Variant: burakburak, bukburak. n. 1 • flower; bulaklak.

2 • petal; talulot.

burakburakit burakburak et sampagita merenguh; the jasmin flowers are fragrant. ang bulakbulak ng sampagita ay mabango.

Burakan Variant: magburakan ‘MT’. n. species of mangrove plant (vine); bagin.

Burah n. white (hair); uban.

buraanwaya ne burah ulu ni Tagung sapne megurang ne ya; Tagung has white hair now because he is old;may uban na si Jose kaya matanda na.

buraan aj. full of white hair; ubanin. buraan ne ey upu mu; in your grandfather has a full head of white hair;ubanin na ang iyong lolo.

Buraras   Variant: buranas ‘MT’. v. rolling down; gulong.

Buras n. semen, sperm; tamud. Syn: kuyap.

Burbur v. pouring, flowing; buhos.Syn: bekbak

Buri n. buri palm; buri.Corypha elata Roxb..Anth: Buri is abundant in the coastal areas, especially around Punang and Irarey (Espanola). The leaves are used for thatching. Its starch is occasionaly used to make sago. Note: check scientific name and Tagalog

Burikaten open-eyed, have one's eyes open; nandidilat.

Buriked  v. bind, attach; itali. Syn:libed.

Burit n. decoration on the blowgun; ginayakan, inayakan. Syn: gitgit.

Buru n. hair, (of fruit or leaves), floss, hairy covering of plants; bulo, gilik. wayay buru ey deun et tebu; the leaves of sugarcane are hairy;may bulo ang dahon ng tubo.

Buruk n. decay, putrefaction; bulok, baho.

Buruhburuh n. obstacle, obstruction; sagwil. Syn: subah.

Busibusi Variant: bubusa ‘MT’. n. species of mushroom (grows on the ground, not edible); uri ng kabute.

Buslu Variant: busluh. n. penis; utin.

Busluen v. rub one's penis, masturbate; magsalsal. Syn: ukugen, sahsahluen.

Butas n. separation, divorce; hiwalay, diborsiyo.

Butbut n. species of bird; kukok.

Butu n. ballot, vote; halal, boto.

butuwanibinutu kay si Ramon et kepitan; we voted for Ramon as village headman;inihalal namin si Ramon na kapitan.

Butuk adv. barely, just; halos, bahagyâ na.

Butung Variant: bulung. n. bundle, package, wrapping; balot.

butungan, pegbubutungbutungan, binutunganbutung et uru; a bundle of medicinal plants;balot ng gamot. butungih ey mengeh pinengelen ku; please wrap up my purchases;pakibalutan mo sa akin ang mga pinamili ko.

Butungan v. wrap, put in a bag; balotin. Syn: bulungan.

Butuh n. testicle; bayag. Syn: bebagan.

Butuwan n. election; halalan. it butuwan dut damen eset mayu; the election in our place is in May;ang halalan sa amin ay Mayo.

Buwah Variant: buwah; bwah. n. fruit; bunga, prutas. nedegdag ey buwah et manga; the fruit of the mango fell down. ang bunga nang mangga ay nalaglag.

Buwat Variant: buat; bwat. v. do, doing, make; gawa.

Buwaten Variant: buwatan. aj. made of, (something) made out of; yari. Syn: mawah. buwatan eset rebuk ey bakah dye; in their baskets are made of bamboo;mga yari sa kawayan ang mga pangan nila.

Buwaten Variant: buwatan. v. 1 • make, manufacture, fashion into; gawa.

2 • appoint; hirangin. buwatang tanud si Peter; appoint Peter as village Councilman;hirangin mong tanod si Peter.

Buwaya Variant: bwaya. n. crocodile; buwaya.

Buyayak n. squirel; bising. Syn: keting, yamang.

Buyayew aj. funny; nakatatawa, komiko.

Buyugan n. lizard (small, with red stripes, venomous); bubuyog.

Buyuganbuyugan    n. species of fish; tokotoko.

Buyun n. one who talks in twang due to nasal disorder; ngongo. si Nati ey buyun temed nekepengesawa nega; Nati has a nasal disorder and talks in twang, yet she also found a husband. si Nati ay ngongo ngunit nakapag-asawa rin.

Buyuh n. betel; buyo. Piper betle.

Bwagbwag Variant: bugbuwag ‘MT’. n. call from from the dead, words uttered by dead people; nabatî. Anth: words or speech uttered by the dead, causing headache when overheard by a passerby
Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan - English - Tagalog) - B Palawan Dictionary (Pala'wan - English - Tagalog) - B Reviewed by Keyzone on 10:22 PM Rating: 5

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